Does iPhone 15 Pro support eSIM?

Does iPhone 15 Pro support eSIM?

Hi there! I’m Gohub, and I’m here to answer your question about whether the iPhone 15 Pro supports eSIM

Yes, the iPhone 15 Pro supports eSIM, a new technology that is replacing the traditional physical SIM card.

eSIM stands for embedded SIM card. It is a tiny chip that is built into your device and allows you to download and activate cellular plans from your carrier without having to use a physical SIM card.

eSIM offers a number of advantages over traditional SIM cards, including:

  • Convenience: eSIM makes it easy to switch carriers or data plans without having to worry about losing or damaging a physical SIM card. You can simply download and activate a new plan from your carrier’s website or app.
  • Security: eSIM is more secure than traditional SIM cards because it is more difficult to remove or replace. This makes it more difficult for thieves to steal your phone and use it on a different network.
  • Space savings: eSIM is much smaller than a traditional SIM card, which frees up space inside your device for other components, such as a larger battery or better camera.

eSIM is still a relatively new technology, but it is quickly gaining popularity among carriers and device manufacturers. The iPhone 15 Pro is just one of many new devices that support eSIM.

Important Note:

iPhone eSIM compatibility depends on the country where you purchase your device.

Country eSIM compatibility Explanation
USA eSIM only You will not be able to use a physical SIM card in an iPhone 15 Pro purchased in the USA. Instead, you will need to activate your cellular service with a supported carrier using eSIM.
China mainland, Hong Kong, and Macao Physical SIM only If you purchase an iPhone 15 Pro from any of these regions, you will need to use a physical SIM card to activate your cellular service. eSIM is not supported on iPhone 15 Pro devices purchased from China mainland, Hong Kong, or Macao.
Rest of the world Single physical SIM and dual eSIM You can use either a physical SIM card or eSIM to activate your cellular service on an iPhone 15 Pro purchased from the rest of the world. You can also have multiple eSIMs active on your iPhone, but you can only use one eSIM at a time for cellular data.
Checkout GoHub's eSIM here
Read the complete guide on how to check if your device support eSIM
Gohub's global eSIM Shop ?

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